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Have you been busy networking and making new connections this year Virgo? Your social circle is rapidly expanding, and different people have been making efforts to befriend you because of your talents or expertise... 

It is important to be discerning at this moment and although there is nothing wrong with extending your network, be sure that you are not forming false friendships. 


People may be leaching onto you because they regard you to be an influential person with good connections. They may present themselves as being experts in their field but are simply feeding off your ideas while claiming them as their own. Don’t allow others to use you and be sure that the energy you give is reciprocated, in business and personal relationships.  


Don’t be afraid to be authentic, even if this means you stand alone. You may think that fitting in will help you to reach your present goals faster, but being real will earn you more respect while aligning you with others that spend time perfecting their true selves and not their fake personas. 

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