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You have been working very hard, possibly operating off pent up nervous energy. Tarot is advising you to take some time out this month and reconnect with nature...

Incorporate morning walks into your routine, go to the park, or simply chill out in your garden. Whatever you do, try to spend some time outside of your home, breath some fresh air and reflect in the great outdoors.  


We are all experiencing extreme changes on a global level at this time and many of us have come to the realization that the old world is no more. You may feel a little lost and unsure of which direction you need to take on your journey of life.


Be still and tap into your intuition and allow your inner compass to guide your way. Your ancestors and Spirit Guides are always with you, and slowing down will help you to connect with this higher frequency. 


When faced with great changes do not fear. Rather, embrace them with excitement and the adventurous spirit of a child.


Change is only painful when we resist, but when we allow ourselves to move forward, with courage and trust, we discover that we have all that we need to make it through. 

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