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You have been holding onto a relationship that is not serving your higher self... 

You are aware that a family member or friend has not been playing far. Despite this you still hold on, while admonishing this person about their actions towards you because you know you deserve better.


Trust, they know this already and your lectures will not change their behaviour. You know that you deserve much better so free yourself from the negativity that has been binding your spirit and love on yourself. 


You are being encouraged to shift at this time. Resisting this call will make inevitable changes very uncomfortable. Changes bring about expansion and a movement into new, unexplored and exciting spaces. The mind plays tricks on you by creating scary scenarios when you are moving into new territory.


Be assured that staying stuck on the same path, although comforting because of the familiarity, will surely lead to misery and depression in the long run. Allow yourself to flow and program your mind to associate feelings of anxiety with eager anticipation. 


Feelings of jealousy, guilt and envy need to be removed from your auric field in order to raise your energetic vibration. The Universe is sending you clear messages to guide you on your new path, but you need to tune yourself into this high frequency in order to receive from the Divine. Clinging on to old outdated and toxic patterns will hamper your progress at this stage. Expect changes to occur in relationships, both romantic and otherwise. These changes may not be exactly what you want but they are what you need. 

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