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You may have been feeling under the weather lately and dealing with a bout of illness. 

Your physical state has given you the opportunity to unplug from the outside world and go within. Perhaps you were pushing yourself too hard prior to your sickness, not taking enough time to nurture yourself. Maybe you have been running on a treadmill, doing things out of habit rather than love. 


When we fall ill, we tend to appreciate our health and the present moment more than ever. It is better to make the most of our lives while we still have it, and this could be the lesson that your downtime has given to you. 


Taking time out enables you to reconnect with your Higher Self and The Source. You may be more aware of signs and synchronicities that the Universe has been sending to you. These signs and synchronicities are bringing about an awareness of your special gifts.


You may feel an attraction to the esoteric and metaphysics or maybe you want to explore magic and alchemy. You are on a new journey and it’s time to explore the sides of yourself that you have not only kept hidden from others but from yourself! 

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