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An aspect of your life is dying, and this transition is one that you have been fighting against for some time... 

Harsh changes are scary, but with courage and acceptance, you will make it through and will gain strength and greater wisdom consequently. 


Remember when one cycle comes to an end, another begins, and when you release the old, stale and stagnant, you will enjoy all that is fresh, new, and exciting into your life. You are on the cusp of great expansion. Be happy and know that you are safe and protected. These changes will bring you closer to your Higher Self, so roll with the punches, and get ready for this new and exhilarating journey.


You know the saying that things always happen in 3’s? This is true for the most part and you will notice this month a repeat of something that has either happened once or twice, repeating itself. The third time is a charm, as it will mark the end of a cycle and the lesson it brought will be complete. Congratulate yourself, as you have achieved a great feat and have turned a major corner on your life’s path. 

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