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Changes are on the horizon and now is the time for you to prepare for them...

Some changes may appear to be challenging and you might fear the chaos that they could bring. You have nothing to worry about. The Universe is rearranging things in a way that will ultimately work in your favour. You can handle whatever comes your way because you have all the necessary tools at hand. 


You have been working more and more with technology lately. Perhaps you are carving out a niche for yourself in this field. Fresh ideas on ways in which you can utilize the internet may spring to mind. You might want to create an online hub which will help to connect smaller communities or perhaps you want to showcase your talents online. Don’t be afraid to explore new things. It’s never too late to develop new skills and start a brand-new career. 


Has someone been feeding off your energy? An irresistibly charming person may be tempting you and drawing you in but pay attention to their attitude and behaviour. You may be dealing with a narcissist and one who has selected you for the sole purpose of feeding their ego and selfish needs. Be careful, for it may be difficult to escape if you fall into their lair. 

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