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Cancerians are very protective when it comes to their loved ones and themselves...

Your protective nature is a commendable trait when it comes to the way you treat your loved ones. However, when you hide out in that protective shell of yours for extended periods, you can block your chances of making positive and loving connections with others. 


Tarot is asking you to open yourself up a little more this month. Allow new people and experiences into your life and don’t be afraid of stepping outside of your comfort zone.  


Spirit is asking you to tap into the element of water and become more fluid-like. You have been behaving rigidly lately and holding on to stress and tension. It is now time to release and let it go. The Universe, Spirit Guides and Ancestors all have your back so don’t be afraid of what the future may hold. 


You must decide whether you want to remain in the old paradigm or move into the new one.


The old way of being has proven itself to be uncomfortable and counter-productive, however, it is familiar to you. In contrast, the unknown offers you the chance to upgrade and re-create something better and new. 

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