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Kundalini Rising and Digestive Issues

Kundalini awakenings affect every aspect of your wellbeing, on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. As kundalini energy rises, you may experience bouts of anxiety, depression, weight changes, migraines, nausea and palpitations. Some may even have out-of-body experiences. Gastric disorders are also common during various stages of kundalini activity. In fact, constipation, diarrhoea, excessive gas, bloating and irritable bowel syndrome have all been related to various stages of kundalini awakenings.


What is Kundalini?

Kundalini is understood as being creative, healing life-force energy. It is most often illustrated as a coiled snake resting at the base of the spine in the location of the root chakra. Activation of the kundalini can occur spontaneously as the result of an injury. Periods of extreme mental shock or severe emotional strain can also stimulate its activation. Deliberate kundalini activation can be achieved with the disciplined practice of yoga and meditation. Holistic therapies like energy healing and other forms of spiritual development practices can help activate the kundalini. 


The 7 Main Chakras 

In order to fully comprehend the action of kundalini activation, one must know what chakras are and understand their role. In short, chakras are energy centres positioned all over the body, although 7 main chakras located along the spinal column. These specific regions contain bundles of nerve cells and each chakra governs an aspect of your physical, mental and spiritual Self. 


The Root Chakra, the first of the lower chakras, helps keep you grounded and connected to the earth. It is here that the kundalini lies dormant until activated. As kundalini rises, it clears blockages and purifies the spiritual and physical aspects of the body, passing through the Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus, Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra and the Third Eye and Crown Chakra. This process is an intricate one and requires substantial energy.


The Solar Plexus, the third lower chakra, distributes energy throughout the body. This chakra governs the ego and influences your emotional and mental state. It also controls the digestive system, which is why gastric disorders often develop when the Solar Plexus is energetically weak or blocked. When kundalini energy clears and purifies the Solar Plexus, you might notice symptoms like a loss of appetite, food sensitivities, unusual cravings, diarrhoea and excessive gas. 


These types of disorders occur as a result of the redirection of energy and enzymes from the Solar Plexus during the kundalini transformative process. Immunity is also compromised during kundalini awakenings which impacts the digestive system, depriving it of much-needed energy for optimal functioning. Leaky gut, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and candida are additional conditions that may arise as a result of kundalini awakenings as your body's pH balance and electromagnetic field adjust, interfering with the balance of friendly bacteria.


Recommended Diet

When you are having digestive issues, it is a good idea to fast for a period. You can then gradually introduce raw liquidized foods into your diet to counteract gastric disorders. Juices, soups, wheatgrass and green smoothies are easy to digest, unlike solid fibrous vegetables and high-antioxidant fruits. These should be avoided. 


Sugary foods, alcohol and caffeine should be eliminated to prevent overtaxing the digestive system and you should stick with foods that agree with your individual digestive system and nutritional needs at this time. The reason for this is that new food sensitivities can develop during kundalini activations. As a result, you could experience adverse reactions to foods you normally eat while developing new cravings. 


If this happens, it is best to give in to your cravings, as they may be kundalini's way of guiding you toward your body's new nutritional requirements. It is also a good idea to seek the assistance of a licensed naturopath during the process of purification for kinesiology allergy testing. 


Even though kundalini awakenings can interfere with your bodily functions, symptoms are usually temporary. Be sure to seek medical advice if your symptoms remain for a prolonged length of time. 

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