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Spiritual Growth and Development

Spiritual growth is a topic of interest among those seeking optimal holistic health and wellness.


Some people believe that it takes great efforts to live a spiritual life. It is often forgotten that we are already spiritual, in the sense of us being spirit beings inhabiting a physical shell. So, bearing this in mind, we should understand that the key to re-aligning to your Spirit Self is to let go and just be Yourself!  


There are additional things that you can do each day, which will help you to live  a more conscious way of life that emanates from your Higher Self.  


Tools and Guides 


Specific exercises and tools, such as meditation, connecting with Ancestors, Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels, and visualization and energy healing practices can help you to resonate on a higher frequency. This in turn will allow you to tap into elevated dimensions.


When you are consistent with such practices, and carry them out on a daily basis, you will gain an awareness of  your highest, most divine purpose. The doorway to abundance, joy, inner peace, pure love and Oneness with The Universal Creator will also open up and make a way for your entrance.     


Shadow Work


Shedding the many layers acquired from birth onwards is essential for those wanting to connect with their higher spiritual selves. We have all fallen victim to  those limiting and false belief systems at some point in our lives. Such beliefs have been passed down from parents, peers, teachers, the media and other sources.


Many of these downloads run simultaneously, causing us to hold inorganic and false thoughts as our own. Spiritual growth commands you to get in touch with the real you, by way of completing the serious task of Shadow Work.


Shadow Work, in a nutshell, requires you to examine the aspects of yourself that you keep hidden away from others. These character traits may often cause you to exhibit feelings of guilt, shame and fear of judgement. Those parts of our personality or life experiences that we are ashamed of claiming, are most often extremely painful for us to face. However, when we keep them locked away, these unhealed wounds begin to fester.


If you are easily triggered by certain things, or react in a way that you don't like, when faced with specific situations, this could be your shadow self responding. 


The Shadow Self, when suppressed, will always work against you, but when acknowledged, you can begin to understand why it is the way it is. This understanding brings forth acceptance, healing and self love.


I will speak more about the Shadow Self and shadow work in upcoming articles, so keep a look out and sign up to my mailing list and newsletter for updates. 


Knowing what moves you, identifying where your true passion lies and having the confidence to accomplish your goals will also bring you closer to your life’s mission and true purpose. Learn how to differentiate between the opinions of others and your own inner voice, as this comes from your Higher Self. Your inner voice is your intuition and is there to guide you to your true and divine path.  


Meditation: Go Within 


Meditation is key and vital in the pursuit of spiritual growth and self awareness. Regular practice of meditation can help ease stress, build focus and assist you in overcoming addictions and anxiety. When in deep meditation you shut out the noise and nonsense of the world outside of yourself, exploring the inner worlds or your own multi-verse, where reality resides. The stillness that comes from meditation can help you to access the astral plane and higher dimensions.  


When meditating, you become more sensitive to the voices of your Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels and Ancestors. They provide protection and assist us in reconnecting with the Higher Self. It's important to note that the Ancestors are always with us. Their essence remains encoded in our DNA and by simply living and breathing, we bring them from the so called past, into our present.  


Spirit Guides are assigned to us from birth, and remain, ready to assist us on our journey in the physical realm. Guardian Angels offer protection and guidance when we call upon them from a place of need.


Connecting with your Guides and Ancestors can be realized by way of meditation. While deep in meditation, pay attention to colors, images, feelings and thoughts. It is through these signs and symbols that our guides communicate. 


Consistency is essential when it comes to meditation, and regular practice will enable you to connect with your Ancestors and Spirit Guides on a very personal and profound level. They may share with you their names, or even appear to you in dreams or visions upon your request for introductions. If this never happens don’t despair or doubt their presence. They are with you whether you acknowledge them or not. However, acknowledgement brings clarity and will in turn help strengthen your own psychic abilities.    


Energy Healing 


Energy healing and spiritual development  are closely connected, and working with auric fields, chakras and meridians can help to improve your energetic flow, while clearing chakras and strengthening energetic bodies.


The chakras, much like spinning wheels, are vortexes and gateways to spiritual dimensions. When blockages occur within these energy centers, illness will eventually manifest on the physical realm. A blown out chakra, a consequence of emotional, mental or physical trauma, can drastically lower your frequency and render you open to the possession of entities and sentient beings.


A cluttered aura can also make you vulnerable to psychic attacks. Ensuring that your energetic bodies are in balance can help to keep you more in tune and enable you to vibrate on a higher frequency. This in turn will keep you connected to your higher and divine self.  


Visualization Techniques 


Visualization work helps you to manifest your conscious thoughts into reality. All things on the material plane existed as pure thought prior to manifestation. When you become aware of your thoughts, choosing them wisely, you take on the position of Conscious Co-Creator. With this state of awareness in place, you can begin to manifest the life of your most treasured dreams and desires.  


We create our realities every day, more often without even realizing it. When things don’t go the way we wish, we throw up our hands in despair, as if we had nothing to do with the outcome.


When you incorporate visualization techniques and affirmations into your day to day living, and witness how fast the things you desire start to manifest, you gain awareness of the depths of your autonomy. 


Remember, the co-creative aspect of yourself comes from The Universal Creator of All Things. It is real, and very powerful! 


That’s a wonderful thing in my humble opinion and a definite reminder of our divinity and the unlimited access we have to the higher levels, realms and dimensions alongside the physical world.   

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