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 Synchronicity and Signs  

Synchronicities are magical, arresting, and impossible to ignore.   

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Syncronised events are sometimes looked upon as coincidences, although meaningful messages that are generally attached make synchronicities uniquely distinct! 


Carl Jung’s Meaningful Coincidences  


The Swiss psychiatrist, Carl Jung, established the concept of synchronicity in the 1920s, and would later go on to use it as a way of validating the paranormal.  


Meaningful Messages from the Spirit Realm  


The universe often stages synchronistic events to connect with us and communicate deep and profound messages. When we pay attention to messages that come with synchronicities, we receive divine guidance.


Synchronicities resonate with the Higher Self because they carry messages from the higher realms. Recurring themes can appear in various forms, manifesting as animals, people, places or objects. Synchronicities also present themselves as numeric sequences, appearing repeatedly, like 11:11, 444, 777 etc.    


The insightful messages that synchronicities share, help us to expand and reach higher levels of consciousness. These synchronicities arrest and captivate, to ensure we are fully engaged and able to receive important communications from the Spirit Realm.  


Coincidences or Divine Messages? 


Synchronistic signs occur for various reasons. At times, they act as confirmations and deliver messages from deceased loved ones. Synchronicities might herald good news, or even encourage us to reach out to those in need, at critical times.  

If you ever catch yourself thinking a synchronistic chain of events is merely a coincidence, dismiss that thought immediately. Instead, reflect on the possible relevance, that the sign may have in your present circumstances, and life journey. 


There is no Separation  


Synchronicities affirm an interconnectedness. They let us know that we are not alone, and our connection, and open line of communication to the Universe, is real. When they occur, we feel and know that there is truly no separation.  

In reality, there is only Oneness, and our outward experience is a reflection of our inner Being. With sensitivity to the guidance shared, by way of synchronicities, we can travel with ease towards our destiny and draw closer to our Soul’s ultimate mission.   


Synchronistic Messages: A Call to Action  


Once you accept synchronistic events are direct messages from the Universe, a special line of communication opens up. This line allows a steady stream of information to flow through, from the spiritual dimension to the material realm.  


Some synchronistic messages request a “call to action”, and you may feel compelled to respond in a way that makes little sense.  It is essential to trust your intuition, in such cases. Be aware, the spirit realm does not operate in a logical or linear way. In order to decipher synchronistic messages, you must abandon intellectualised thinking. Instead, tap into your feelings, as feelings connect to intuition, which is the voice of the Higher Self.  


Birds as Angelic Messengers  


As explained earlier, I have experienced some amazingly magical, synchronistic events. One, in particular, occurred a few months after a close friend of mine made a sudden transition. My friend was also my spiritual teacher, and we had formed a special bond in the months leading to his transition. Even though he lived in America, and I in the UK, we communicated over the phone, each day, and he shared his knowledge of spiritual, esoteric, and metaphysical subjects.  

I was the last person he spoke to, before suffering a stroke and falling into a coma. One evening, while talking on the phone, he began to experience excruciating pains in his head, minutes into our conversation. I was not aware at the time, but my friend was having a stroke. His son alerted me to his condition, hours after that phone call. A few days later, he passed away.  


For months, I mourned his passing. While alive, he taught me so much about meditation and helped me to fine-tune my intuition, clear and balance my chakras, and sharpen my Third Eye. I had made tremendous progress with spiritual development while under his guidance. For this reason, I made several attempts to make contact with him in the spirit realm. Despite repeated efforts, I was unsuccessful.  


Deep down I knew it was because of the sadness I felt. Grieving and the sadness I felt had me vibrating at a low frequency. This actually made it impossible to match his energetic vibration. With reflection, I realised it was important to keep my vibrations resonating on a higher level. The grief, however, permeated my whole Being.  


As time passed, I began to feel better and started to wonder how my friend was managing, in the spirit realm. One particular day, I decided to read The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead, by Raymond O. Faulkner. My friend had gifted to me this book a few weeks before passing. My attention focused on the Ba hieroglyph, represented as a human-headed bird floating over the deceased. In this depiction, the Ba, known as the spirit or soul, was green, yellow, blue and white. I smiled, remembering the time I told my friend that he resembled a bird. Laughing loudly, he replied, saying others had said the same.  


Paying Attention


Minutes later, while studying the hieroglyphs, two small Blue Tits appeared by my window. One perched on recently erected scaffolding and the other flapped its wings excitedly, looking directly at me, and chirping loudly, as if looking for a way through my window. Both birds bared the same colours as the human-headed bird, in The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead.  


Suspended in mid-air, the Blue Tit glanced at my book, as if it recognised it. My intuition kicked in, and our frequencies matched. I was able to receive a telepathic message that the bird communicated to me. Amazed, I silently thanked it, and upon doing so, his excitement increased, confirming that he had also received my message, and was pleased that I was receptive. This moment felt very surreal, and I had to pause for a second, to make sure it was not all in my imagination.  


Synchronicities Within Synchronicities 


Nature speaks to us in various ways to get messages across. When this occurs, animals may appear in dreams or in our ‘waking state’. I could have brushed off the message that came through, but instead, I decided to trust my intuition and Googled it.  


A link to a website came up, with details of a book. The book’s title, “The Cosmic Egg”, was the same as the message received from the bird. Incidentally, my friend had also mentioned the cosmic egg, suggesting I dedicate some research to the subject a couple of weeks before passing.  


I nearly fell out of my chair, when I discovered he came from the same State that my friend grew up in and immediately messaged him, via Twitter.  A few days passed, and no reply. Nevertheless, I knew these synchronistic events carried weight. Days later, while looking through my Facebook newsfeed, I noticed artwork that a friend had ‘liked.’ It intrigued me, and I decided to check out the artist’s page. It turned out that the artist was also the author of The Cosmic Egg and once again, I messaged him. This time he responded right away.  


The author knew my friend well and had spent days with him, a couple of months before his transition. He was, however, unaware of his passing, and I was able to alert him. This man then put me in touch with my friend’s own High Priest, who after receiving the news, was able to carry out relevant and essential funeral ceremonies and say farewell to my friend.  


The Light at the End of the Synchronistic Tunnel 


The synchronistic events that transpired that day, started with me looking at the Ba, in The Book of the Dead, the very same book that my friend, and spiritual teacher, had gifted me. I was able to pass on an important message to the very same man that had been his own spiritual teacher, the one who had taught him all that he had then passed down to me. The bird was a motif that connected not only with my friend, in regards to his physical features, but with the Ba, the human-headed bird and Soul of the deceased. Synchronicities within synchronicities were evident.  


Synchronistic messages are truly Gems. They give you a great sense of achievement, once all pieces of the puzzle connect, to reveal the complete message. More importantly, synchronicities encourage awareness of guidance, delivered from higher realms. Whether understood as being Spirit Guides, Angels, Ancestral Guides, or the Universal Creator, it is certain that these messages let us know, without a shadow of a doubt, that there is so much more to life than the mundane.   


Trusting your Inner Voice 


By having complete trust in my intuition, I allowed myself to reach out to a complete stranger, sharing with him a tale that any rational thinking person would swear was an instalment from a Disney movie. If I had taken on a logical approach, I most likely would have talked myself out of connecting with this very significant individual.  

Opening up to Spirit, and paying attention to the messages helped me to pass on an important message of my own. I also felt comforted knowing that the connection between my friend and I was still very much intact and that we could still communicate effectively, across realms. 


We are the protagonist and antagonist, the director, and producer, of the major motion picture called Life. We also benefit when we take on the position of the observer. In doing so, we can place the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle, or enigma together, with greater ease. 


When we ask for assistance or we find ourselves in quandaries and appeal to the Higher Source for answers, the messages come to us to assist us on our quest. The key to receiving these messages is about tapping in and paying attention. When we tune into our Higher Self, engaging with intuition, we connect with Source. Messages can come about in so many ways, for example, seeing a sequence of numbers in repetition is one of the ways in which those who are waking up are starting to notice.  


We need to take on the role of active participants in our life and journey back to our Higher Self, recognising that all is interconnected. Everything that we come across on our journey is a part of our own existence, and there truly is no separation.  

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