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Someone is trying to take credit for your hard work this month... 

Perhaps you are fully aware but have been ignoring it to avoid conflict. It is time for you to speak your mind and let the chips fall where they may. Don’t be afraid of cutting ties with toxic people or bringing an end to negative situations that you have endured to make others feel comfortable. It’s time to be bold and speak your truth. Others will begin to honour you once you start honouring yourself. 


A certain someone from your past has been on your mind lately and you are missing them terribly. It’s okay to reminisce but don’t get caught up in an illusion of a golden past that perhaps never really existed. When you fall into this pattern, you blatantly ignore the blessings of the current moment. Remember, the past is no more, so allow it to be buried and begin to live your life in the here and now. Cherish sweet memories but don’t hold yourself hostage over things that have long gone and cannot be changed. 


Something has inspired a wonderful idea this month and you are being encouraged to bring it into manifestation. Don’t allow doubt to dissuade you from working on this stroke of genius even if others may deem it unworkable. Trust your intuition and put in the elbow work in terms of research and hard graft and bring pull your ideas from the mental realm into the physical realm.  

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